ver1.0 (2022/9/23)
ver1.1 (2022/9/24)
・Fixed a bug where a material error would occur when using the fur feature.
・Added EX_Stick.
ver1.2 (2022/10/15)
・Fixed the shader function.
ver1.3 (2022/11/6)
・Added more supported avatars.
・Fixed the shader function.
ver1.4 (2022/12/11)
・Added more supported avatars.
・Added normal correction feature.
・Fixed the shader function.
・Applied Crunch Compression to the mask.
ver1.5 (2023/1/17)
・Added more supported avatars.
・Integrated the Motchiri Shader installation tool.
・Fixed an issue where the contact position shifted depending on the avatar’s size.
ver1.5.1 (2023/1/28)
・Fixed some avatar presets.
ver1.6 (2023/2/25)
・Added multilingual support.
ver1.6.1 (2023/2/27)
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.7 (2023/4/3)
・EX colliders are disabled by default.
・Reduced contact usage by 60% for lighter performance.
・Minor fixes to the setup tool.
・Changed import settings for the mask.
ver1.7.1 (2023/4/15)
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.7.2 (2023/4/25)
・Fixed preset settings for Moe.
ver1.7.3 (2023/7/17)
・Fixed Shinonome’s mask.
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.7.4 (2023/7/22)
・Fixed Selestria’s mask.
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.8.0 (2023/8/1)
・Fixed a bug causing uneven surfaces when using avatar scaling in VRChat. (Motchiri Shader does not function with avatar scaling.)
ver1.8.1 (2023/8/27)
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.8.2 (2023/9/2)
・Added more supported avatars.
ver1.9.0 (2024/1/20)
・Fixed an error occurring in Unity 2022.
ver2.0.0 (2024/8/28)
・Added support for ModularAvatar (NDMF).
・Addressed an issue where it wouldn’t work with GestureManager in Unity 2022.
・Adjusted lilToon’s tessellation (high-poly) feature to apply not only to mesh edges but across the entire mesh.
・Made the FX layer lighter.
・Reduced jitter during operation.
・Added more supported avatars.
・Other minor bug fixes.
ver2.0.1 (2024/8/31)
・Fixed an issue causing problems with expression parts on some avatars.
ver2.0.2 (2024/9/29)
・Added more supported avatars (Airi, Shinano).
・Fixed inspector bug (Redo not possible).
・Fixed an issue where mesh normals were not calculated properly on some avatars if the mesh had no tangents (now calculates if tangents are missing).
・Shader is now overwritten directly in the material.
・The mask’s RGB now corresponds to the XYZ axes.