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Product Description

Marshmallow PB is a “squishable” PhysBone system that enables rich physical expression.
By computing expansions, contractions, and the influence of gravity, it achieves realistic behavior beyond that of normal PhysBones.

With a setup system that uses Modular Avatar, you can easily introduce it non-destructively.
Even if your avatar is not supported, you can still install it by adjusting its position in the scene.

In addition to standard PhysBones, it combines animations and constraints to achieve its functionality. By adding an object and an FX layer to your avatar, it will work. From version 1.7.0 onward, it supports the Non-Destructive Modular Framework (NDMF) of Modular Avatar, so it can be introduced non-destructively.


  • Squish Function: When you press or grab it, it squishes according to the movement!
  • Jiggle Function: Achieve better jiggle expressions! (Jiggle presets, interaction between left and right chests, parallel jiggle function)
  • Gravity Function: Thanks to gravity simulation, lying on your back makes them squish, bending forward makes them stretch!
  • Mutual Interaction: Enables mutual interaction between players who both have Marshmallow PB installed!
  • Other Fine Adjustments: (Chest collider settings, turning off colliders when grabbed, floor collider settings, etc.)

Supported Avatars

Maya (舞夜), Kikyo (桔梗), Selestia (セレスティア), Inaba (イナバ), Imeris (イメリス), Kokoa (ここあ), Rindo (竜胆), Tuberose (チューベローズ), Rushka (ルーシュカ), Yugi Miyo (ユギ ミヨ), Chise (チセ), Kuronatu (くろなつ), Moe (萌), Shinra (森羅), Uzuki (卯月), Lime (ライム), Velle (ヴェール), Manuka (マヌカ), Anon (あのん), Leefa (リーファ), Maid from the Satarina Tribe (サタリナ族のメイドさん), Hakua (珀杏), Mizuki (瑞希), Koyuki (狐雪), Sophina (ソフィナ), Yoru the Dragon (龍のヨルちゃん), Lasyusha (ラシューシャ), Xiaohua (シャオファ), Nagi (凪), Chiffon (シフォン), Liloumois (リルモワ), Lzebul (ルゼブル), Saria (サリア), InabaKaya (伊奈波かや), Morpho (モルフォ), Sio (しお), Kyalong (きゃろん), UltimateKissMa (キスマ), Nanase Noir (ナナセ・ノワール), Mafuyu (真冬), Rurune (ルルネ), Airi (愛莉), Shinano (しなの), Chocolat (ショコラ), Ririka (りりか), Milltina (ミルティナ)


  • Not supported on VRChat Quest.
  • Depending on clothing, some clipping may occur due to product specifications.
  • Only Unity version 2022.3.22f1 is supported.
  • Please use it in compliance with public morals and standards.