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ver1.0 (2023/2/4)
ver1.1 (2023/2/5)
・Fixed an issue where other animations wouldn’t work properly when WriteDefaults was OFF.
ver1.2 (2023/2/14)
・Fixed a bug where settings wouldn’t be applied when generating a Prefab with the setup tool.
・Adjusted the Prefab’s default values.
ver1.3 (2023/4/1)
・Fixed an error with VRCSDK ver3.1.12 or later. (No compatibility with ver3.1.11 or earlier)
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.3,1 (2023/4/1)
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.4 (2023/4/1)
・Revised to maintain compatibility regardless of VRCSDK version.
・Removed the Grab setting from the tool.
ver1.5 (2023/5/6)
・Added support for Squish PB (Mochi-Mochi PB).
・Supported changes to rotation influence.
・Added a setting that allows chest-to-chest interaction between players. (Off by default)
ver1.5.1 (2023/5/7)
・Fixed a bug where PB wouldn’t be grabbable if chest interaction was set.
・Added “Squish Animation Strength” parameter.
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.5.2 (2023/6/25)
・Fixed the FX layer.
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.5.3 (2023/7/10)
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.5.4 (2023/7/15)
・Fixed an issue in ver1.5.3 where avatars other than Lime wouldn’t be set correctly.
ver1.6.0 (2023/8/1)
・Fixed a bug where changing the avatar scale in VRChat would break chest shapes.
ver1.6.1 (2023/8/3)
・Fixed a bug where the old Marshmallow PB (non-SquishPB version) would break.
ver1.6.2 (2023/8/19)
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.6.3 (2023/9/2)
・Added supported avatars.
・Changed the tool to automatically set default values.
・Fixed a bug where large-chested avatars wouldn’t have a working chest.
・Chest collider is now turned off while grabbed.
ver1.7.0 (2023/12/2)
・Added support for non-destructive installation using NDMF.
・Added PB presets.
・Added advanced PB features.
・Added supported avatars.
・Fixed a bug where chest bone rotation influence wasn’t working correctly.
・Tweaked UI and functionality.
ver1.7.1 (2023/12/4)
・Fixed a bug where you couldn’t configure settings with the setup tool.
・Fixed a bug where the 6th collider couldn’t be set.
・Added offset adjustment items.
・Minor UI adjustments.
ver1.7.2 (2023/12/9)
・Added “Chest Squish Ease (On Back).”
・Added a warning that the dummy (for PB count) in marshmallow_PB_Setup should not be used for settings.
・Modified the offset settings to allow position, rotation, and scale changes.
ver1.7.3 (2023/12/23)
・Supports non-Humanoid avatars.
・Changed the value of “StrechMotion” in the PB preset.
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.7.4 (2023/12/27)
・Fixed an incorrect “StrechMotion” value in the PB presets.
・Changed the “GravityFallOff” value in the PB presets.
ver1.7.5 (2024/01/07)
・Added “LimitColliderRadius” (size of the limiting collider).
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.7.6 (2024/01/20)
・Fixed a bug where FX would be integrated twice.
・Changed so it doesn’t interfere with other players’ head colliders.
ver1.7.7 (2024/01/31)
・Changed so the orientation of the chest collider is reflected when setting up unsupported avatars.
・Slightly adjusted the preset for Dragon Yoru-chan.
ver1.7.8 (2024/03/10)
・Changed the timing of Marshmallow PB generation.
・Now deletes the original PB specified by a separate path.
・Slightly modified the PB presets.
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.7.9 (2024/05/16)
・Fixed a bug where “Apply Only Squish Function” was not working properly.
・Increased the number of colliders you can set to 10.
・Added a “Chest Jiggle Rotation” setting.
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.7.10 (2024/08/06)
・Fixed a bug where newly supported avatars weren’t actually added.
ver1.7.11 (2024/08/27)
・Added supported avatars.
・Changed the default chest sag value to a more reasonable range.
ver1.7.12 (2024/09/10)
・Added supported avatars.
・Fixed an inspector bug for components (couldn’t redo).
ver1.7.13 (2024/09/22)
・Added supported avatars.
ver1.7.14 (2024/09/29)
・Fixed a bug causing left-right differences in chest sagging.
ver1.7.15 (2025/01/04)
・Added supported avatars (Chocolat, Ririka).