If your question is not covered in “How to Use/Advanced”, “If You Run into Trouble”, or “Q&A”, please contact the creator via Booth or X (Twitter). (X(Twitter) is recommended because it’s easier to send images.)
When reporting a bug, using the format below will make the process smoother:
- We need to reproduce the bug in the author’s environment, so please provide as many details as possible.
- When reporting a bug, please check whether the same issue occurs on an unmodified avatar (i.e., the prefab avatar with no changes).
- If the unmodified avatar also shows the same bug, you don’t need to describe outfit or tool details.
- If sending images on Booth, please use an image-sharing service such as imgur and send the image URL. On X(Twitter), you can attach images directly.
Bug Report Format
Product Name:
Error Message:
Conditions (Reproduction Steps):
Does it occur on an unmodified avatar?:
Platform (Unity or VRChat):
Avatar (URL):
Outfit (URL):
Tool (URL):
World (URL):
Unity Version:
VRCSDK Version:
Reference Images/Videos (e.g., configuration screen):
Example Submission:
Bug Report Format
Product Name: Marshmallow PB
Version: 1.7.15
Issue: Mesh breaks when entering AFK on Rurune
Error Message: None
Conditions (Reproduction Steps): Install Marshmallow PB on Rurune and enter AFK in VRChat
Does it occur on an unmodified avatar?: Yes
Platform (Unity or VRChat): VRChat (also happens in Gesture Manager)
Avatar (URL): Rurune (
Outfit (URL): Default
Tool (URL): None
World (URL): VRChat Home (
Unity Version: 2022.3.22f1
VRCSDK Version: 3.7.5
Reference Images/Videos (e.g., configuration screen): https://~
Notes: Based on my checks, it seems the chest mesh is breaking.