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MARSHMALLOW_PB is a crushable PhysBone with rich physics.
It is formed by combining animations and components in addition to regular PhysBone, and works by adding an FX layer in addition to the object when setting it up. Since ver 1.7.0, Modular Avatar's Non-Destructive Modular Framework (NDMF) support has enabled non-destructive implementation.


  • When pushed or held, it crumples in response to movement!
  • Gravity representation allows it to squash when you lie down and stretch when you bend over! (Old Masyumaro PB, New Masyumaro PB (ver1.7.0 or later))
  • Easy and non-destructive introduction by Modular Avatar (NDMF)!
  • Mutual interference with other players who have installed Masyumaro PB is possible!
  • Better shaking expression (PhysBone preset, mutual interference between breasts, parallel shaking function)
  • Various other minor adjustments (collider for less shaking, collider off function when grabbed, floor collider settings, etc.)

Supported avatars

Maya Maya, Kikyo Kikyo, Celestia Selestia, Inaba Inaba, Imeris Imeris, Kokoa Kokoa, Rindo Rindo, Tuberose Tuberose, Rushka Rushka, Yugi Miyo Yugi Miyo, Chise Chise, Kuronatu Kuronatu, Moe Moe, Shinra, Uzuki, Lime, Velle, Manuka

For beta users

Thank you very much for trying our beta version.
If it does not work or you are not sure about the settings, please feel free to let us know via DM or @tweet at author Twitter.
Your comments and bug reports would also be appreciated. (We would be especially grateful if you could give us your requests for setting items and functions.)